If I told you that paint was like marmite you might hesitate to engage me for your decorating.

If I told you that paint was like marmite you might hesitate to engage me for your decorating.

My friend Google – who, let’s be honest, is a bit of a know-it-all – has a lot to say about the smell of fresh paint. It’s not a fan. But I am.

Mostly, google has suggestions for getting rid of the smell, and many of these involve vinegar and baking soda. (I’ve noticed google solves most of life’s problems with vinegar and baking soda.It took me ages to find baking soda in the supermarket last time I looked).

But I digress.

My problem is that I love the smell of fresh paint. Put me in a room with that, and the smells of marmite, fresh coffee, baking bread, and sizzling bacon and I think I might die of pleasure.

I’m not everyone, it’s true. If I were then imagine how I would struggle to open all my mail every day. And who would I blame when things went wrong?

But fresh paint to me is like the feel of a crisp white sheet or sand under my feet. I’m not talking about getting stoned on the solvent fumes, I just mean that light fresh smell.

Maybe that’s why I’m a decorator. Although jobs as a baker, barista, greasy spoon cook or yeast extractor do have an appeal. (Incidentally, should you feel otherwise, our workmen all have their own personal tips for getting rid of the smell and none of them involve baking soda).

Well there you have it. I’ve come clean.I like my job. Want your house painted? We’ll do it with a smile, and now you know why.

Have your people call my people on 0208 946 5045 to discuss your options, or grab yourself a virtual quotation with RoboQuote here

All the best for Christmas,
Geoff Parvin,
In heaven with my paint tin

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