Classic painting from Parvin’s
We were shocked to learn about items from the British Museum going missing last week. But just in case you’ve been offered some old marble statues for your garden, we thought we would suggest a better way to bring timeless classical beauty to your humble home.
I refer, of course, to the classical exterior painting skills of the GD Parvin tradespeople. Modern paint might not last as long as a Greek sculpture, but it will definitely brighten the place up.
This late summer has been good for us decorators, but (sorry to rain on the parade, haha) it also dries out exposed woodwork and now might be a sensible time to see if any work is needed before winter.
On the off chance that we get some heavy wet weather soon, then some cold…..well our wise and ancient decorators tell me we should advise checking now and getting a new coat of paint on window frames, doors, and other woodwork if it’s due.
We’re taking bookings now – call on 0208 946 5045 for a visit, or book a virtual quotation with RoboQuote (who still works here)
Metereoligcally yours,
Geoff Parvin
(“Where’s that ?>>Xx$£@@!! Geoffrey?” – My Mummy’s curse)